Authors in bold are students and post-docs advised by Piehler – please email piehler(at) for reprints. More publication information is available here.
Gold, AC, C Brown, SP Thompson & MF Piehler. 2022 Inundation of stormwater infrastructure is common and increases risk of flooding in coastal urban areas. Earth’s Future, 10, e2021EF002139.
Yacano, M, SP Thompson, and MF Piehler. 2022. Non-native marsh grass (Phragmites australis) enhances both storm and ambient nitrogen removal capacity in marine systems. Estuaries and Coasts, in press.
Gold, AC, SP Thompson and MF Piehler. 2021. Seasonal variation in nitrate removal mechanisms in coastal stormwater ponds. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029718.
Christensen, N, P Cunningham, K Matthews, I Anderson, M Brush, S Cohen, C Currin, S Ensign, N Hall, P Halpin, M Kirwan, J McNinch, H Paerl, M Piehler A Rodriguez, C Tobias, J Walters. 2021. Ecosystem-based management for military training, biodiversity, carbon storage and climate resiliency on a complex coastal land/water-scape. Environmental Management, 280, 111755.
Dodd, LF, JH Grabowski, M.F. Piehler, I Westfield, JB Ries. 2021. Juvenile eastern oysters more resilient to extreme ocean acidification than their mud crab predators. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (2), e2020GC009180.
Gold, AC, SP Thompson, CL Magel, MF Piehler. 2020 Urbanization alters coastal plain stream carbon export and ecosystem function. Science of the Total Environment, 747, 141132.
Kimbro, DL, AE Scherer, JE Byers, JH Grabowski, AR Hughes, MF Piehler, DL. Smee. 2020. Environmental gradients influence biogeographic patterns of non-consumptive predator effects on oysters. Ecosphere, 11 (10), e03260.
Grabowski, J, T Gouhier, J Byers, L Dodd, AR Hughes, M Piehler, D Kimbro. 2020 Regional environmental variation and local species interactions influence biogeographic structure on oyster reefs. Ecology, 101 (2), e02921.
Gold, AC, SP Thompson and MF Piehler. 2019. The effects of urbanization and retention-based stormwater management on coastal plain stream nutrient export. Water Resources Research, 55 (8), 7027-7046.
Hughes, AR, TC Hanley, JE Byers, JH Grabowski, T McCrudden, MF Piehler, DL Kimbro. 2019. Genetic diversity and phenotypic variation within hatchery-produced oyster cohorts predict size and success in the field. Ecological Applications, 29 (6), e01940.
Neubauer, S, Piehler, M, Smyth, A, and Franklin, R. 2019 Saltwater intrusion modifies microbial community structure and decreases denitrification in tidal freshwater marshes. Ecosystems, 22, 912-928.
Gold, AC, SP Thompson and MF Piehler. 2019 Nitrogen cycling processes within stormwater control measures: A review and call for research. Water Research 149:278-287.
Onorevole, K, S Thompson and M Piehler. 2018. Living shorelines enhance nitrogen removal capacity over time. Ecological Engineering 120:238-248.
Dodd LF, JC Caracappa, SR Fegley, JH. Grabowski and MF Piehler. 2018 Threat of predation does not affect Crassostrea virginica filtration. Estuaries and Coasts, 41 (1), 293-298.
Crosswell, JR, IC Anderson, JW. Stanhope, B Van Dam, MJ Brush, SH Ensign, MF Piehler, B McKee, M Bost, and HW Paerl. 2017. Carbon budget of a shallow, lagoonal estuary: transformations and source-sink dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum. Limnology and Oceanography 62 (S1) 29-45.
Arfken, A, B Song, J Bowman and M Piehler. 2017. Denitrification potential of the eastern oyster microbiome using a 16S rRNA gene based metabolic inference approach. PLoS One, 12 (9), e0185071
Velinsky, DJ, B Paudel, T Quirk, MF Piehler, and AR Smyth. 2017. Salt marsh denitrification provides a significant nitrogen sink in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Journal of Coastal Research 78:70-78
Fodrie, J, A. Rodriguez, R Gittman, J Grabowski, N Lindquist, C Peterson, M Piehler, J Ridge. 2017. Oyster reefs as carbon sources and sinks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170891.
Gold, AC, SP Thompson and MF Piehler. 2017. Water quality before and after watershed-scale implementation of stormwater wet ponds in the coastal plain. Ecological Engineering, 105:240-251.
Gold AC, Thompson SP, Piehler MF. 2017. Coastal stormwater wet pond sediment nitrogen dynamics. Science of The Total Environment 609:672-81.
Kimbro, DL, JH Grabowski, AR Hughes, MF Piehler, and JW White. 2017. Nonconsumptive effects of a predator weaken then rebound over time. Ecology 98: 656-667.
Hughes, AR, TC Hanley, JE Byers, JH Grabowski, JC Malek, MF Piehler, DL Kimbro. 2017. Genetic by environmental variation but no local adaptation in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in the Southeastern U.S. Ecology and Evolution 7: 697–709.
Gehman, A. JH Grabowski, AR Hughes, DL Kimbro, MF. Piehler, and JE Byers. 2017. Predators, environment and host characteristics influence the probability of infection by an invasive castrating parasite, Oecologia 183: 139–149.
Ensign, SH, CA Currin, MF Piehler, C Tobias. 2017. A method for using shoreline morphology to predict suspended sediment concentration in tidal creeks. Geomorphology 276: 280-288.